Sunday, July 15, 2012

Marie Beals Marketing Assignment - New Walker for the Elderly

Marie Beals


New Product Idea

The new product development process consists of 8 parts:

  1. Idea generation

  1. Idea screening

  1. Concept development and testing

  1. Marketing strategy development

  1. Business analysis

  1. Product development

  1. Test Marketing

  1. Commercialization

  1. Idea Generation – My best friend became a grandmother last September, and I have been watching the baby go through the developmental stages most babies go through.  He just started using a baby walker so he can scoot around the house without harming himself.  A few days after watching him, I went to visit my mother in her nursing home.  She has Alzheimer’s and until recently was able to walk freely around the home, but since her balance is off, its not safe for her to walk around on her own, so she spends more time in a wheel chair then she would like.  She is always trying to move, and she does get PT and does get walked around with assistance, but she cannot be walked around every hour of the day.  Her nursing home has a lot of room for walking, and it came to me that if I could adapt a baby walker to fit an adult, my mother could be more mobile and happier, like my best friends grandson.

2.  Idea Screening – My idea was screened as part of a homework assignment, and

Since we only needed to come up with one idea, I did not screen this one idea and not the multiple ideas that are usually discussed at this point of the process.  I did mention it to a few of my fellow workers and it seems like a winner on the surface.

3        Concept development and testing – Because this would be a piece of medical equipment, there are a lot of things I have to keep in mind.  It would have to be safe, it would have to be easy to use, affordable and qualify for Medicare funding.  There is a company called Merry Walker that has a product in the same family as the one I am thinking of, their website is:

The item they have is called a Merry Motivator, which is along the lines of what I want to make, though mine will offer more support and actually suspend the walker in the device and offer plenty of protection, like a baby walker.  Here is a link to the Merry Motivator:

After a prototype is built, I would have to bring it to my mother’s nursing home and see if I could get her to use it.  I could do it in a controlled setting with lots of help and could make sure she would not be injured because patients like her are the market I am trying to target.

  1.  Marketing strategy development – The target market would be any kind of nursing home or rehabilitation center that works with clients who cannot be left on their own to walk even though they can walk.  My supported walker would allow them to stay mobile and keep their muscles working and moving.  It could be adapted for home or institutional use and would come in different sizes and weight classes.  

The CDC states that as of 2004 there were 1.6 million people living in nursing homes in the US (

I think my device would create a new market of users who are not using anything right now and are basically confined to a wheel chair.  If just 10 percent of the 1.6 million in nursing care could use this device, that’s 160,000 potential users, not counting home users.

Profit goals for the first few years would be to sell 16,000 units the first year, then in the second year sales to reach 80,000 units to cover half of the estimated primary market of users.  Would realize net profit of $200 per unit with a sales goal of 500,000 units in the fist 5 years with a 10 percent replacement rate after that.

  1. Business analysis – This part of the project would include a study of the currently available mobility devices, how many of these are sold a year and to whom.  I would have to survey nursing homes to find out what they use right now and ask them what type of device would they want to have, plus I would have to research Medicare guidelines too to make sure the product is designed and priced right to quality for coverage under Medicare and most medical insurance.

  1.  Product development – At this point of the project I would try out the proto type on patients in nursing homes and rehabilitation centers.  I know the device would have to go through several versions until the best product would be born. 

  1. Test Marketing – Once a valid prototype is made, at this point I would start testing the item.  I would bring it to senior centers, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers.  I would present it at any place where seniors would gather so they could see the item, and perhaps know a person who could benefit from it.  I would go to nursing homes on the busiest visiting day, usually Sunday, and demonstrate the walker to the families of the residents of the nursing homes.  I would do a mailer that targets the right age group. 

  1. Commercialization – After all the testing, if the product was something people liked and wanted, I would launch it.  Instead of launching it nationally, I would launch it region by region starting with the North East and working my way across the country.